Federal democratic republic of ethiopia ethiopia land. Iucn, international union for conservation of nature global drylands initiative p. The scientific conceptual framework for land degradation neutrality has been developed to provide a scientific approach to planning, implementing and monitoring ldn. Degradation can be induced by climate change and land use change and land use methods. Neutrality requires action to reverse degradation and to counterbalance any losses due to ongoing land degradation. Pdf on feb 1, 2019, pamela chasek and others published land degradation neutrality.
Deforestation, land degradation, and unsustainable land. India was one of the first countries to commit to the 2030 sdg target of achieving land degradation neutrality ldn. Aug 31, 2018 the importance of a land degradation neutrality approach to achieving sustainable land management author. Land free fulltext soilrelated sustainable development. How to implement land degradation neutrality land degradation neutrality is defined as a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems.
Monitoring soil for sustainable development and land. The concept of neutrality incorporates the scientific approach of an equillibrium of an aggreated indicator of areas degradation and recovered area. Thus, the wise management and protection of land resources is crucial to securing our sustenance. Land degradation neutrality is defined as a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial. Sep 04, 2019 land degradation neutrality is one of 169 targets set under the sustainable development goals. Ldn land degradation neutrality ldntsp land degradation neutrality target setting programme of the unccd mawf ministry of agriculture, water and forestry met ministry of environment and tourism mlr ministry of land reform nap3 third national action programme for namibia to implement the unccd 20142024.
Every minute we lose land the size of 26 football fields. Learning from nona linear ecosystem dynamics is vital for. Although adoption of sustainable development goal target 15. Land degradation neutral world columbia law school. Grenada land degradation neutrality national report. Reviving land and restoring landscapes policy convergence between forest landscape restoration and land degradation neutrality supported by. This includes spatial shift of degraded and recovered or improved areas according to land degradation indicators.
In 2011, leaders of member states at the united nations general assembly highlevel meeting initiated a political momentum to tackle issues of land degradation, when they stated. Integrate national land use planning systems and national desertification monitoring systems. This learning resource is an introduction to land degradation neutrality. Policy convergence between forest landscape restoration. The rationale on which the forthcoming discussion is standing is illustrated in figure 1 in the form of a land degradation recovery model. Experiences from the unccd land degradation neutrality target. Desertification has been defined as land degradation in arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities11. Land degradation neutrality pilot project a project of the ministry of environment and tourism supported by the deutsche gesellschaft fur internationale zusammenarbeit gmbh giz november 2018 windhoek namibia s. Land degradation neutrality ldn in drylands and beyond where has it. In the effort to achieve the sustainable development goals sdgs related to food, health, water, and climate, an increase in pressure on land is highly likely. To address land degradation scale, a joint effort of public and private parties is needed.
Causes and impacts of land degradation and desertification. Land degradation neutrality ldn is further enshrined in policy in sdg target 15. Stringer2 1soil physics and land management group, wageningen university, droevendaalsesteeg 4, nl6708 pb wageningen, the netherlands 2sustainability research institute, school of earth and environment, university of leeds, leeds ls2. Apr 12, 2019 women and men have unequal opportunities to address land degradation. The aim of land degradation neutrality ldn is to maintain or enhance landbased natural capital and its associated ecosystem services. This means that, in a situation of land degradation neutrality, any degradation that might occur should be, at least, compensated by recovery of already degraded or desertified land. The land degradation neutrality fund rockefeller foundation. The economics of land degradation eld initiative estimates the cost of lost ecosystem services to land degradation to be between 6. The importance of a land degradation neutrality approach to achieving sustainable land management author. Ethiopia land degradation neutrality national report degraded land under pressure in hintalowajirat district, south eastern zone, tigray region, ethiopia 2015 photo by yared shumete this report summarizes the key outcomes of the national efforts carried out in 2014 and 2015 towards putting in practice the land degradation neutrality concept. The complete guidelines will be presented in september 2019 at the unccd cop 14 in delhi. Clearly, the objective of land degradation neutrality is to achieve a position of no net loss of healthy and productive land. Faos contribution to land degradation neutrality ldn is based on its comparative advantage and expertise in policy development on sustainable land management and addressing land degradation, including governance and land rights, and on its role as the foremost global custodian of agricultural information for the organizations country.
The investment capital is coming from multiple sources national and international, development and climate, public and private finance. Partnerships to achieve land degradation neutrality. Involving the mining sector in achieving land degradation. In addition, soils play an important role in mitigating and adapting to climate change. Support farmers, land owners and communities in their efforts to prevent and reverse land degradation through application of sustainable land management.
The opportunity to achieve land degradation neutrality by creatively tapping into these financial resources has never. The economics of land degradation neutrality in asia foreword by erik solheim. Land managers should monitor land use decisions which might affect ldn, to estimate the likely cumulative effects so that these can be counterbalanced by reversing land degradation on the same land type. Land is a limited production factor and its significant role in our lives is often.
Land degradation neutrality the business potential for. However, restoration and efforts to prevent degradation have often failed to deliver expected bene. Land degradation neutrality tapping opportunities unccd. The land degradation neutrality ldn fund, copromoted by the united nations convention to combat desertification unccd and mirova, is a firstofitskind impact investment fund investing in profitgenerating sustainable land management slm and land restoration projects worldwide. However, the call for land degradation neutrality has not. A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. Land degradation neutrality and the conservation sector. Land degradation neutrality ldn has been defined by the parties to the convention as. Land degradation neutrality a new impetus to address the global challenge of land and soil degradation background land degradation neutrality ldn is part of the sustainable development goals sdg 15. Cornet and others published land degradation neutrality find, read and cite all the research you need. Implementation of an sdg on land degradation neutrality in the eu 11 summary the continuing degradation of land and soils is a severe threat to the provision of ecosystem services and economic development in europe and globally. India strives to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030. Union environment ministry has committed to rejuvenate 50 lakh hectares 5 million of degraded land between 2021 and 2030.
The importance of a land degradation neutrality approach. Obviously, land degradation neutrality requires a paradigm shift from degrade, abandon, migrate to protect, sustain, restore. However, there are practical difficulties in identifying and measuring land degradation. Is land degradation neutrality feasible in dry areas.
A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within. In addition, awarenessraising, a change in stakeholders attitudes, and a change. The state of indias environment report, 2017 calculates that nearly 30. Jul 30, 2019 india strives to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030. This second report provides an overview about land degradation in europe and existing monitoring schemes and policy processes that are relevant.
The importance of a land degradation neutrality approach to. Land degradation neutrality ldn as a broad framework guiding research, policy and practice has gained considerable attention in recent years particularly since the united nations convention to combat desertification unccd established ldn as its. Learning from nonlinear ecosystem dynamics is vital for achieving land degradation neutrality diana sietz1, luuk fleskens1,2, lindsay c. To avoid further land degradation and promote land restoration, multifunctional use of land is needed within the boundaries of the soilwater system. The land degradation neutrality fund this publication has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information available at the date of publication without any independent verification. Land degradation neutrality is one of the sustainable development goal targets, requiring ongoing degradation to be balanced by restora tion and sustainable land management. The aim of land degradation neutrality ldn is to maintain or enhance land based natural capital and its associated ecosystem services. This subject is treated in more detail in the next section. In 2015 the unccd introduced the new concept of land degradation neutrality ldn, which was later adopted as a target of goal 15 of the sustainable development goals, life on land, by 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to. Estimates of the extent of land degradation have varied hugely due to divergent definitions. Detailed description of the methodology and data sources for quantifying the three global indicators. Achieving land degradation neutrality for people and planet undp. Land degradation neutrality is one of 169 targets set under the sustainable development goals.
This is an essay of the writing workshop socioecological economics, published on 31 august 2018. The international community is working to halt and reverse land degradation, restore degraded ecosystems and sustainably manage our resources through a commitment to land degradation neutrality ldn. Development of an indicator based on land use changes and soil values. Women and men have unequal opportunities to address land degradation. Counterbalancing future land degradation anticipated losses through. In 2015, land degradation neutrality is likely to become a global target through the united nations convention to combat desertification and. Land degradation neutrality land degradation is an obstacle to sust ainable development due to its impact on the environment, food security, agr oecosystem service provision and people s. Yet, despite some positive changes in recent times, land degradation is worsening at an alarming rate. Key strategic implementation actionsmeasures to achieve the set voluntary target the key implementation strategic actions are to. Focused on direct investment into largescale land restoration and land degradation avoidance. The current global scale and consequences of land degradation make a compelling and urgent case for reaching land degradation neutrality ldn worldwide by 2030, a target that has now been formally incorporated into the united nations sustainable development goals. This study provides an overview on issues related to land degradation, the snowball of land degradation consequences and routes towards recovery of neutrality and sustainability.
This article is an open access publication abstract the adoption of the 17. Policy convergence between forest landscape restoration and. To achieve ldn, large amounts of financial resources need to. Support farmers, land owners and communities in their efforts to prevent and reverse land. Land degradation is a process in which the value of the physical environment is affected by a. The economics of land degradation neutrality in asia. The united nations convention to combat desertification unccd was established in efforts to. Land degradation neutrality ldn, or balance impairment, is a challenge posed by the committee on science and technology cst of the united nations convention to combat desertification unccd.